Amplifying Leadership to get Exponential Business Results


Amplifying Leadership to get Exponential Business Results

Start Date

April 15, 2024


6 Months Virtual

Program Fee

$10,000 Flexible Payment Available (4 staff)

Start Date

April 15, 2024


6 Months Virtual

Program Fee

$10,000 Flexible Payment
Available (4 staff)


Today’s dynamic business environment requires organizations to rethink their C-suite capabilities to navigate market challenges and ensure long-term growth. This has led to a rise in the need to be intentional where capacity development is concerned.

Leadership Capacity Development is one of three pillars of the capacity development framework any agile organization is involved with. IIn addition to functional expertise, multifaceted leadership that prioritizes the interests of both the organization and people is vital. Those who work directly with the CEO must therefore cultivate self-awareness, people awareness, and an enterprise mindset to thrive and succeed.

The EXPONENTIAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM is designed to enable participants develop big-picture and holistic thinking which will enable them transition to higher levels of productivity in your organization. This unique 6-month program will equip your key staff with the skills needed to meet the demands of the constantly changing business terrain in which your company operates in.

Organizations that embrace leadership training on all levels were 4.2 times more likely to outperform those that restrict leadership training to management (Source: DDI, Global Leadership Forecast)


The program will help equip current and emerging leaders with your business with the leadership skills, strategic acumen, and enterprise mindset required to successfully partner with you in delivering growth and transformation for your business.

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:
  • Operate daily from a point of alignment between their personal aspirations and your organizational goals
  • Demonstrate balanced leadership with a push for exceptional execution on goals and building relationships with colleagues and subordinates while at it
  • Operate authentic and effective leadership that is transformational, visionary and inspiring
  • Take initiative in developing and deploying creative solutions that align with organizational goals and enable more efficient execution on set performance goals
  • Stronger capacity for networking and stakeholder engagement within your business and industry which will enable them for business development and HNI engagement
  • Resolve conflict in a more effective manner at any level within and outside the organization
  • Leadership ready staff and actively raise leadership capacity of those identified using workplace scenarios for coaching and mentoring

    Holistic Curriculum

    Develop an enterprise mindset and leadership perspective, beyond functional skills.

    Expert Faculty

    Learn from strategically focused, cross-disciplinary faculty who are experts and thought leaders in their fields.

    Success Coach

    Maximize learning through sessions with a success coach assigned to cohort.

    Capstone Project

    Develop an enterprise mindset and leadership perspective, beyond functional skills. Apply program lessons to address a real business challenge in your organization.

    Live Sessions

    Participate in regular live sessions with faculty, the cohort success coach, and guest speakers.

    Peer Interactions

    Interact with a cohort of accomplished peers and benefit from their diverse experiences.


    The program’s learning journey is divided into 2 phases that cover the foundations of private impactful leadership which propel career trajectory and secondly prepare participants to scale success in your organization through the mastery of competencies needed to engage with others.
    This training on self-awareness aims to enhance participants’ understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and values as they relate to their roles as leaders. Through various interactive exercises, reflective practices, and assessments, participants delve into their personal leadership styles, communication patterns, and decision-making processes. The training encourages individuals to recognize their blind spots and areas for improvement, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness essential for effective leadership. By honing this skill, participants can better navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, inspire others, and lead with authenticity and empathy.
    Participants will learn how to cultivate a culture of creativity, encourage bold ideas, and take calculated risks. The training emphasizes techniques for identifying opportunities, challenging conventional thinking, and harnessing diverse perspectives to generate innovative solutions to complex problems. Participants also explore strategies for overcoming resistance to change, fostering collaboration, and effectively implementing creative initiatives. By mastering the art of creative initiative, leaders can inspire their teams, drive continuous improvement, and stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.
    This module will focus on equipping participants with the skills and strategies necessary to make informed and timely decisions in diverse contexts. Participants will learn to assess situations, analyze information, and evaluate potential outcomes systematically. Emphasis will be placed on understanding decision biases, managing risk, and balancing short-term priorities with long-term goals. Participants will also explore techniques for fostering consensus, soliciting input from stakeholders, and communicating decisions effectively. By honing their decision-making abilities, participant can navigate uncertainty with confidence, drive organizational success, and inspire trust and confidence among their teams.
    Participants will learn to adopt a broad perspective that considers the interconnectedness of various functions and departments within an organization. This module emphasizes the importance of aligning individual and team efforts with overarching organizational goals and values. Participants also explore techniques for identifying opportunities, managing risks, and leveraging resources effectively to drive sustainable growth and innovation. By developing enterprise thinking skills, leaders can make well-informed decisions, foster collaboration across departments, and lead their organizations toward long-term success in an ever-evolving business landscape.
    This module is designed to enhance participants’ ability to convey ideas, build relationships, and drive results through clear and impactful communication. Participants will learn how to articulate their thoughts confidently, listen actively, and adapt their communication style to diverse audiences and situations. The training emphasizes the importance of nonverbal cues, empathy, and authenticity in fostering meaningful connections and building trust. Participants will also explore techniques for delivering persuasive presentations, resolving conflicts constructively, and providing constructive feedback. By mastering the art of effective communication, participants will be able to inspire and motivate their teams, foster collaboration, and achieve organizational objectives more efficiently.
    This module aims to equip participants with the skills and strategies necessary to build and leverage professional relationships for personal and organizational growth. Participants will learn to expand their professional network, cultivate meaningful connections, and create mutually beneficial partnerships. The training will emphasize the importance of authenticity, active listening, and reciprocity in fostering genuine relationships. Participants will also explore techniques for effectively navigating networking events, initiating conversations, and following up with contacts. By mastering the art of networking, participants access valuable resources, opportunities, and insights, enhancing their influence and advancing their careers or organizational objectives.

    Capstone Project

    The capstone project is a crucial aspect of the program that will challenge participants to apply program learnings to real-life challenges or to leverage opportunities in your industry.


    The Exponential Leadership Program is ideal for employees who aspire to contribute to enterprise-wide strategy and growth, beyond leading a specific function. This program is specifically designed for high-potential mid-level and senior executives who are currently in or being positioned to take up larger leadership roles.