Final Goal For 2021

I am glad you have chosen to give that goal one more shot!

This challenge is going to help you in achieving that particular goal.

In this challenge I will be holding your hand everyday towards achieving that One Big Goal you still want to achieve before the end of the year.

I want you to do just one thing. Yes, ONE THING.

Pick a stretch goal that is achievable in 5days. It can be something you have been procrastinating about but you ought to have done. It can be something you really want to move from idea to reality. Whatever it is, it just has to be something that matters to you and will make a difference if you achieve it in 2021.

I will work with you towards achieving that One Goal.

Now, this is not free but it comes at a Christmas fee. I will take you through this challenge for only $2 a day meaning that you pay only $10 for the 5 days. Ridiculous right? Well, consider it as my Christmas gift to you.

Normally, I would charge a minimum of $250 for this experience but like I said, it is my Christmas gift to you.

Everyday, between 6pm & 7pm CST we will be having 60minutes sessions where I will take you through a transformative experience that will see you achieving this goal.

Some people will write a new book, start a new enterprise and get their first client, lose 1KG after months of ‘trying’ to lose weight, spend time with their family etc

If you know me, I always put in my all. So expect nothing less than a Transformational experience.

And YES! You are one step away from achieving ONE FINAL BIG GOAL IN 2021!

Are you ready?

Click! (You will receive a mail containing the online session information)