Hello, my name is Olujimi Tewe and I am an Executive Coach and Global Mobility Enthusiast.

In 2021, my family and I moved from Nigeria and relocated to the United States of America using the O1 Visa (Alien with Extraordinary Abilities) route. This visa type is a non-immigrant visa.

In the month of October, 2023, I applied for the EB1 Visa (Alien with Extraordinary Abilities but an immigrant visa granting Permanent Residence). It was granted within three weeks after submitting my application. This means that in less than three years of living here legally, I have been granted permanent residence (takes some many more years to get).

Guess what?

We’ve found ways to be able to get this, even within one year (for qualified individuals)

As a Nigerian who believes in being rightly positioned globally, I am on a mission to help other qualified individuals to tow the same path. America is in search of qualified individuals who can add value to their nation and there is a workable route to it.

As a Nigerian who believes in being rightly positioned globally, I am on a mission to help other qualified individuals to tow the same path. America is in search of qualified individuals who can add value to their nation and there is a workable route to it.

The good news is that with some of these visa types, it does not restrict you from staying in your home country while you have freer access into the USA.

One major part to being able to qualify for these visa types is the documentation required. It can be a very tough and rigorous process.

I can boldly say that in the last two years, I have helped several individuals in their journey towards getting the O1 or EB1 Visa types and a number of them live here in the USA now.

I have found that there are over 30 visa types that the USA offers but are not known to a lot of people.

My goal is to help throw more light on them for qualified individuals and assist them in their journey to getting one they qualify for.

Is this something that interests you? Would you like to explore an opportunity to work or live legally in the United States of America?

If your answer is YES, then you should book a consultancy call with one of our skilled information agents.

You can do so by clicking the button.

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